Organizational Commitment, Personal Cost, Cheating Seriousness Level, Interest in Conducting Whistleblowing, Attitudes towards WhistleblowingAbstract
This study aims to examine the effect of organizational commitment, personal cost, the level of seriousness of cheating on attitudes towards whistleblowing with interest in conducting whistleblowing as an intervening variable on a State Civil Apparatus in an Indonesian City. This study uses a survey method using primary data obtained from questionnaires. The population in this study is the State Civil Apparatus several government institutions. The number of samples in this study was 100 respondents taken using a purposive sampling technique. This research model is quantitative descriptive using analytical research methods—data analysis techniques using Partial Least Square. Organizational commitment and personal costs have a significant positive effect on whistleblowing intentions. Meanwhile, the level of cheating seriousness, although it has a positive effect, has a significance value of less than 10%. Personal Cost is also proven to have a significant positive effect on attitude towards whistleblowing. Although both have a positive effect on attitude towards whistleblowing, organizational commitment, cheating seriousness level and intention to whistleblowing do not have a significant effect on attitude towards whistleblowing.
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