Analysis of the Flow of Money Flow of Goods in the Context of Proving Defective Tax Invoices against Tax Auditor Findings in 2019


  • Abdul Rosid
  • Darwin Marasi Purba UNBIN
  • Rizki Ahmad Fauzi



flow of money flow of goods , defective tax invoices, tax auditor findings


The purpose of this research is to determine the analysis of the flow of money, the flow of goods in the context of proving defective tax invoices in refuting the findings of the examiner at PT Pionirbeton Industri. The type of research applied is qualitative research with a descriptive approaches. The results showed that there were factors causing defective tax invoices that became the findings of the examiner, one of which was the human factor, namely the vendor did not deposit VAT on the tax invoice issued to PBI and did not report it to the tax office, for these findings can be proven by using the goods flow money flow report which focuses on tracing the process of receiving goods to the payment process. With the flow of money the flow of goods succeeded in proving that the input tax invoice was defective and avoided the potential to pay IDR. 813,169,623 and avoided an additional fine of 100% so that the total loss of PBI was IDR. 1,626,339,246.


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