The Role Of Company Performance In Moderating The Influence Of Green Governance On The Value Firm
green governance, company performance, company value.Abstract
This research aims to analyze and test the role of company performance in
moderating the relationship between green governance and the performance of LQ45
2014-2023. Secondary data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange accessed from
were used for analysis. The sample comprised 100 data points, including ten years of time
series and cross-sectional data from 10 companies. The sampling technique used was
purposive sampling based on specific considerations. The collected data were analyzed
using panel data regression. The selection of the best panel data regression model was
determined through the Chow test and Hausman test, with the Fixed Effect Model (FEM)
identified as the best model. Therefore, the LM test was not conducted. The chosen
estimation model was FEM, and classical assumption tests were performed, including
multicollinearity and heteroskedasticity. Partial regression model parameter tests were
conducted using t-tests, and joint tests were conducted using the F-test to analyze the
model's goodness of fit. The research findings concluded that green governance has a
positive but insignificant impact on company value. Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA)
revealed that company performance is a quasi-moderator, strengthening the relationship
between green governance and company value
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