The The Influence of LDR, BOPO, and NIM on Banking Company Share Prices for the 2018-2022 Period
Accounting, Stock Prices, Banking Financial PerformanceAbstract
Technological developments throughout the world have changed the economy from industrial to technological, the banking sector is still a sector that attracts the attention of investors in Indonesia. This research provides information regarding whether three variables specifically used for banking sector companies can influence the rise and fall of share prices on the capital market. This research aims to see whether the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Biaya Operasional Penghasilan Operasional (BOPO), and Net Interest Margin (NIM) partially or simultaneously have an influence on stock prices. This research uses quantitative research methods and uses a descriptive analysis approach. The population used in this research is banking sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2018-2022. The number of samples in this research after using the purposive sampling technique was 17 companies. The conclusion of this research shows that from the variables above, only Biaya Operasional Penghasilan Operasional (BOPO) partially have an influence on stock prices, but simultaneously the three variables above have a significant influence on share prices with a coefficient of determination of 38%.
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